
Dog Time

I am having the best time with my dog. Besides when she opened the refridgerator around St. Patrick's Day and ate half a chicken, most of an apple, and most of a loaf of soda bread (the uneaten part she left in my bed, bless her heart).

I figured out that I had a roughish year last year and that I have a point about paring down the Circle of Trust. Now I feel like it's that time after a huge storm. The trees have been removed from where they fell on the roof and the insurance check is in the mail but I'm fine with sticking close to home and rebuilding myself from within.

I got a massage last night and it was the reset I needed to get to the place whee I coud figure out what the hell was going on with me.

At any rate, part of my hometime is centered quite happily on the funnest dog in town. It started at Chirstmas when I took her and my mom to an easy hiking spot. Rosie was SO HAPPY and as importantly SO WORN OUT that I had to do it again. And again. And again. And then I started running instead of just walking and climbing.

Now I run and hike with her three or four times a week and it's like, better than roller derby. The enodorphin zone out and having my dog tuned in so much that if I just look down at her, she looks up at me is my very favorite thing in the whole world right now.

I am the worst runner ever in the history of people who run. Trust me, it's labored and plodding and no matter how small I am everywhere else, my legs are ginormous, which is derby all the way. But my dog is the best running partner. She doesn't offer tips or become disappointed when I get to the one place where I have to remember that it's okay to slow down a bit so that I have the juice to finish my route.

She just trots along next to me, every so often glancing up to check and make sure we're still going and eveything is cool.

After the year I've had, we're totally fine as long as we're going.

arizonasarah at 4:01 p.m.

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