
If Ya Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em!

Here's a little project I am working on with, of all people, my mother.
Collaboration is, apparently, possible when you have a goal in your mind.
Now remember, if you have never been to the parts of the country where I grew up, you may think this is over-the-top.
You would be wrong.
In fact, you would be R-O-N-G wrong.
People have tried to tell me that I am full of shit when I get going on the rural South but dude.
I am not full of shit.
Check it out: I like to call this Project Infiltration:

These are part of a letter-writing campaign.

1. We were discussing gay marriage in Bible Study and we really hope to get an amendment to the Constitution. Gays getting married is against the Bible and the Truth says that marriage is only between one man and one woman. Well then I read in the paper that a gay couple wanted a divorce. I thought that was too much. Actually, I thought that they couldn't get married so how could they get divorced? So we think you should add to the amendment against gays getting married to say that divorce can only be between one man and one woman. Those people who got married without the blessing of the USA ought to have to stay married or get their own divorce laws outside of good, solid American society, like the drive-through in Las Vegas . The institution of divorce is just as sacred as marriage and I should know because I had to divorce my first husband when he could not see the Light and would not get Saved. It was the best thing I ever did for me and my kids and I love Jesus more every day for letting me get rid of that man. In Bible Study there are 3 other ladies and 2 men who have had divorces after several years of marriage to a member of the opposite sex. They are the most upset

2. I belong to the First Church of Jesus the Nazarene and have ever since I got saved in 1994. I first want to say that I am proud that George W. Bush got elected again because he also has seen The Light of Jesus and that is why I voted for him again.
I go to Church every Sunday and I host Bible Study every Tuesday night. During Bible Study, lots of times, my Minister joins the group to provide Biblical insight and Topics for Spiritual Discussion.
Last week, I think it was, he came to Bible Study and we just so happened to be discussing the Sacred Birth of our Lord and Savior for the upcoming Christmas Celebration. We all agreed that the Christmas Miracle could never have happened in 2004 America because of the evil that is legal abortions.
Since all babies are Sacred Gifts from Jesus, he said that all of us should write to our Senators and Congress people and tell them what we want because we helped to get all you elected. He said we own you because you are our public servants that we elected. Well anyway, I got to thinking and I am writing to you about my favorite (ha!) subject of abortion.
Bible Study was really glad to hear about the changes that you made in the National Budget to stop abortion. We learned that now, a hospital can refuse to give an abortion, even if Planned Parenthood sends somebody to the hospital to kill a baby. We talked a lot about that and how it certainly will make it easier for Jesus to see the Sinners at the Rapture.
At least now only people with a lot of money will be able to get an abortion and Planned Parenthood can't make it easy for high-school girls to get abortions. Like the daughter of that woman in the Church who sent her daughter to a private clinic in New York to get an abortion. That rich lady took her daughter all the way to New York and spent the money to get the abortion for her girl. I might not ever known but when that girl came back she cried out and gave Testimony of what she had sinned. We don't see them at Church anymore.
We are still looking forward to the time when abortions are again illegal, even for the rich people. This would mean over-turning Roe v. Wade, not just making it harder for Planned Parenthood to send the girls to hospitals for abortions. With no Roe v. Wade anymore, even fewer people would be able to afford an abortion because they would have to have enough money to go to France or someplace to get an abortion that they pay for and leave my taxes out of it. With fewer people getting abortions, there would be less sinning and more singing! God bless!

3. I had my family over to dinner after Church last night and we got to talking about Social Security. My son-in-law said that our President wants to let the good people of these United states have some of their Social Security payments back to invest in the stock market. Now I think that is a good idea because of all those times that I got money taken out of my ADM check for Social Security and I could have been putting it in the American stock market, where my cousin made a lot of money while Slick Willie Clinton was the President. (At least SOMETHING good happened during that cheater's 8 years) [Mom: That hurt me physically to write. I love Boyfriend Bill and Bill, I only did it to help my Mom]
I guess it would sort of be like my IRA that I started up in 1998.
I went to a young man in our Church who does that kind of thing, you know. I had $12, 322 but now he tells me it is only $6, 785 when I called to ask him. Of course I wanted to know what happened to that money, even though I didn't want to raise a big stink in Church over the Devil's Love of Money.
I don't really know what happened to that money but my daughter who lives in California made me ask him. She wrote a letter for me and sent it to him to find out about my money. Well, to make a long story short, he wasn't mad about the letter and he told me it one of those mutuals funds and sometimes they lose money. Anyway, I told him that I hoped he would still get paid even if I had not made any money. Jesus has always provided to me in my times of need and He will again and I my Social Security starting soon anyhow. He is such a lovely young man. He and his wife and baby daughter come to Church every Sunday and sometimes on Wednesday.
Now I know that I didn't make much money in that deal but like I said, I'll get my Social Security and my ADM retirement real soon. But I do have that cousin who made so much money in the 1990s and I think that every American should have the opportunity to make that much money, like my cousin, or to at least be able to try like I did. If I could have used the money ADM took out of my check for Social Security and invested it, I might be rich like my cousin but that's okay by me that I used the last of my second husband's life insurance to invest with that young man from the Church.
He told not to worry, he said that he has some people who started with a lot more money in their IRA than I did and they lost more money than I did. He also told me he isn't going to be able to invest my money for me anymore because he said he only takes clients who have more than my $6, 785 . So I get my $6,785 back and I am hoping I can put it in the stock market and get rich like my cousin did in the 1990s.

4. I am writing again because my brother told me this at Thanksgiving and I want to know if it is true. If it is true, it is very upsetting to me. Also if it is true, I want you to vote against it. My brother told me that the Chinese people, who are Communist (and not American) and who are certainly not believers in the Lord Jesus Christ own the Treasury of the United States of America.
I told my brother that he must be confused because the Treasury is where my American taxes go and then are divided up to pay for Iraq, Space Travel, and Student Loans (by the way, thank you because my oldest daughter just got her student loan check and it helps her a lot to pay for college).
About the Chinese and the USA Treasury, I understand that the Chinese are opening factories to make all those things we get at the Wal-mart. I don't like it but I do know that lots of the sheets and toys I get for my grandbabies are made in China. I know they are poor there and probably need the money that we pay them to make toys but I don't think President Bush should let them have our Treasury of Taxes . The American Treasury belongs to the good people of these United States who pay their taxes, like me who worked at the ADM and paid my taxes, even when my ex-husband didn't want to.
The Good Book teaches us that we should help those less fortunate, like China, but I don't think we should give them our taxes because they are Communist and not American anyway.

arizonasarah at 1:40 p.m.

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